Milwaukee's independent news & talk radio sourced by MSM and Fact Checkers. (For fans of Coast to Coast, GAIA, Infowars, Joe Rogan and Wayne's World)

On this edition of the Rundown Live Kristan T. Harris discusses end of days propaganda, Aaron Rodgers, Ghostbusters 84, Apocalypse, global warming, tidal  wave torpedo, Joe Biden lack of support, the communist takeover of America. 

The man raided by police for takings selfies inside the capitol building and was arrested due to an IP address and bumble account, Robert Chapman calls into the Rundown Live during open lines.

He was given a trespassing ticket. 10's of thousands of taxpayer dollars, a intense police raid with over a dozen military dressed law enforcement and a 2 month investigation and all that was issued was a a trespassing ticket.

Robert calls in at 90 minutes!